The story
Once upon a time there was a young prince named Siddhartha, who lost his mother at birth and was raised by his father the King Suddodhana and his mother-in-law.
After his birth astrologers and prophets predicted an extraordinary royal destiny to the child.
But a mysterious prophet comes to announce that the child’s destiny will not to be a king, but to guide the entire humanity...
Siddhartha grews up within the walls of the royal palace, held prisoner by his father, and kept away from everything that could divert him from his royal destiny. But the prince is so passionate with discovering the world that one nights he escapes the palace to explore the world outside his gilded cage. During this runaway he experiences the excitement of this new freedom, but also encounters poverty, suffering, disease and death… that he could not have imagined before.
Siddhartha’s incapacity to do something for human suffering will continuoulsy overwhelm him. Despite his profound love for his family, one night he decides to leave the palace forever to follow his infinite quest upon the true human nature.
At the end of a rich spiritual path, he will finally achieve the highest level of human consciousness, becoming the Buddha.
All those who cross his path will have their destiny changed thoroughly.
This unique being, with his warm eyes and infinite heart, will break up all masks from personalities, in order to free humanity towards its true nature and capacity to love…