Sebastiao Saramago plays the role of Suddhodhana
Suddhodhana is the King, Siddhartha's father, a man of power and authority, who will never understand the dreams of his son. His goal is to make him become a future great King.
Nothing distracts him from this goal and after being alerted by the predictions of the mysterious Rama about Siddhartha's strange destiny, he decides to lock him up in the palace until he is old enough to marry and reign.
Nothing distracts him from this goal and after being alerted by the predictions of the mysterious Rama about Siddhartha's strange destiny, he decides to lock him up in the palace until he is old enough to marry and reign.

Sebastiao Saramago
Singer, actor but also vocal coach, songwriter, composer and director, Sebastiao has been performing on French and Swiss stages since 2002.
He has performed in " Flashdance the musical " at the Palais des Sports and on tour, in " Le Chanteur de Mexico " at the Palais des Congrès and he also participated in the " Aladin faites un vœu " tour.
He is also the author and director of " J'vous ai apporté des Bonbons " at the theatre Le Lucernaire.
Recently, he played one of the main roles in " We will rock you " at the Casino de Paris, and was also in " La petite fille aux allumettes " at the Théâtre de la Renaissance, and " Tom Sawyer the Musical " at the Théâtre Mogador.